National Restaurant Show 2016

This was my second year attending the national restaurant show, and as show attendee veteran.  Here were my thoughts in no particular order. Holy hell is it a big show.  I walked over 10 miles trying to cover the entire show. That was going up and down rows. The technology is getting more advanced.  Last …

87% of Restaurants Surveyed Plan to Invest in Restaurant Tech to Improve Operations

Great blog post from eMarketer, to see the complete article click on the title – Restaurants Invest in Technology to Improve Overall Efficiency.   “Most US restaurant IT decision-makers plan to invest in technology to improve operational efficiency.”  87% said that Operational Efficiency was important compared to 55% they were going to make investments in guest engagement/loyalty. …

How to Implement Management by Checklist with follow-up in your Restaurants

Management by checklist is exactly what you think it is; it is the art of managing your restaurants by using short, focused checklists to ensure that the most important operational details aren’t missed on a shift-by-shift restaurant-by-restaurant basis.  The practice is modeled after airplane pilots and their use of checklists. Checklists work, plain and simple. …

The Only Way to Sustainably Grow Your Restaurant’s Sales is through Better Operations

It’s time to return to basics and focus on what works for long-term sustainable sales growth, which is better operations.  Nobody wants to hear better operations because they are either delusional about the current state of their operations, or they don’t want to put in the hard work and discipline of focusing on running better operations. …

Maybe You Shouldn’t Do Checklists

How could paper checklists be bad?  Paper checklists are bad because people pencil whip them or lie on them.  We recently conducted a survey of over 100 restaurant owners and managers.  94% of respondents believed that their teams weren’t completing their checklists accurately. Which raises the question; why would a sane person have their team …